Bespoke Marine Consultancy

Bespoke Marine Consultancy

With our assistance, owners and financial institutions can draw upon our broad experience and in-depth knowledge to obtain an expert view of their project.

Our expert personnel provide customers with the in-depth technical expertise they require to ensure operational projects are safe and fit for service, irrespective of scale, complexity or location.

We can be called upon for technical advice to stabilise a developing situation or purely to provide expert support.

DOCKSPEC Marine offers NEWBUILDING services, yard selection, contract management and site team supervision.

Supplementary services include

  • Factory acceptance tests (FAT)
  • Sub-contractor audit and evaluation
  • Docking trials
  • Sea trials
  • Delivery
  • Guarantee claims
  • Periodical inspections
  • Pre delivery preparedness

DOCKSPEC Marine has delivered bespoke presentations on docking & repairs to colleges and clients throughout the U.K.

We can build courses, presentations or informal mentoring to suit our clients specific requirements.

  • Drydocking for non-marine personnel – a basic presentation aimed at support staff as a snap shot of the docking process.
  • Drydocking for beginners – a basic presentation in a safe space where Q&A drive the session.
  • Preparation for docking – a presentation on building accurate specifications leading to project success.
  • Ad hoc presentations designed client specific.